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Some Causes Of Yellow Teeth

Teeth are an asset for someone to be able to increase the confidence and support the appearance. Unfortunately, many people are mistaken in taking care of their teeth so that it makes the teeth become yellow. Yellow teeth are certainly not desired by everyone. What people want is to have clean white teeth. When not maintained properly, dental health will be disturbed even white color can fade with time. Yellow teeth are not surprising if left protracted will change color to black. Of course, we could get a whitening treatment with the help of the Therefore, in case we need to know what can make the teeth change color into yellow. Following are the causes of yellow teeth should we know:

- Rarely brushing teeth. The first thing that can cause teeth to yellow is rarely clean the teeth and brushing teeth. Dirty teeth will make the results of leftover food stuck in the teeth. The leftover of the food can cause teeth to yellow. Rarely brushing teeth caused the teeth to experience a variety of disorders for example cavities and bring plaque or tartar that is difficult to remove with regular tooth brushing. That is why it is better to prevent this thing to happen with brushing teeth regularly twice a day is enough because if we overdo it, it will also affect the layer.

- Smoking. Other causes of yellow teeth should look out for both men and women are a habit of smoking. Therefore, we ourselves must take the initiative and awareness for the cigarette away. For those who cannot be separated completely from smoking, there are several ways to overcome addiction to cigarettes that you can do. In addition to causing lung cancer, smoking also can cause yellow teeth due to nicotine attached to human teeth. The more cigarettes were lit and inhaled more nicotine attached to human teeth. Eventually, yellow teeth could turn black and hard restored to its original color.

- Coffee. Many people like drinking coffee after eating to clear their palate. In the coffee contained caffeine which can cause teeth to yellow. Not only that the caffeine content of coffee that was not immediately cleared will stick to teeth and cause teeth to yellow. Another effect than drinking too much coffee can cause yellow teeth, it could also make lips black.

- Tea. This also drinks that should not be consumed excessively. Besides can lead to addiction, tea is also not good for dental health. Although, not as high content of caffeine in coffee, tea turned out to also have low caffeine content that can cause teeth to yellow. Yellow teeth can be caused by the habit of drinking tea is more than two times a day. Just like with coffee, the caffeine content of the tea consumed in excess can stick to teeth and cause it to yellow.




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